Monday, June 4, 2012

What a week!

The last time I posted I talked about procrastination.  I wanted to at least write a quick post to let you all know that I am not procrastinating my blog.  It would seem that ever since I wrote last, life has picked up speed and time has flown!  I am a little dizzy from the speed, but holding it together!  LOL  I have spent very little time on my computer.  BUT, don't ask me what I've been doing, 'cause I  wouldn't be able to put it all together in a way that made any sense to you--other than you wondering what was so busy about that!  Do you follow?  Have you had a day where someone asks you what you did all day and you KNOW that your day was profitable, meaningful, busier than ever; but when you stop to give an account of what you did--you can't think of one thing that really took all that much time?  Please tell me I'm not the only one!  I've had over a week of those days and I am very, very tired.  It's difficult to put one foot in front of the other, but can I go to sleep--if I could, would I be sitting here after midnight writing?  

Every thing that has occurred has been wonderful.  No tragedies, no spectacular events, just the everyday busyness that effects all of our lives from time to time.  This time though, I've given up computer time to keep up with my quiet time with Jesus.  Normally, and I can't believe I'm admitting this in public, one of the first things to get cut back is my prayer and study time.  Yes, I'm a preachers wife, but I'm also human and deal with a lot of the same struggles that everyone else does.  When schedules get tight--cut what you can and move on.  I've finally realized that cutting my time with Jesus makes everything take even longer to accomplish and I don't get anything done satisfactorily.  I know, I've heard this all my life--BUT it's true.  Every time I've tried to cut my time with Him short--I pay in the long run.  Life just moves along better with Him.  It doesn't slow down.  It doesn't mean life gets easier; it's just better.  When I put Him first I go through my day feeling like I'm accomplishing much more than when I don't.  I guess what really matters is not proving to you I've had a busy week, but allowing Him to put that busy week in order.  

I hope this makes sense to you.  If you have any questions, let me know.  And REMEMBER--it's 12:16 AM and I'm really, really tired.

1 comment:

  1. My computer clock must be a little fast since my blog says I posted it at 12:04!
