Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lord willing and the creek don't rise

I feel like I'm starting my blog all over again.  I quit writing for a couple of days and then every time I thought about coming back, it seemed I just couldn't.  Things didn't exactly go the way I thought they would and it really threw me a curve.  I had plans and they didn't occur, so I quit--but only for a little while.  It's difficult to write when you're feeling down--especially after you have proclaimed that you are going to have fun.  I'm learning something as I struggle through this process of thinking and trying to commit thoughts to paper in some type of order that will make sense.  One of the biggest things I'm learning is that even tomorrow may not look like you think it should today.  One of the phrases that is becoming more and more personal to me is, "Lord willing" I will do this or that.  When I was a little girl my Grandma used to say, "Lord willing, and the creek don't rise" when people would ask her if she was going to this or that, or doing a certain thing.  Those words have been popping up in my mind more and more lately.  I may make plans, but if God has other plans for me--He wins.  At least He had better win.  If I continue to demand my own way He often will allow it, but I will be so much happier if I do things in His timing, His way.  I had decided that I wanted to do something that was really a "good" thing to do, but as I prayed about it a few red flags had gone up, BUT I really wanted to do this "thing".  So I continued pursuing and planning and talking and trying to get things together so I could do this "thing".  Fortunately as the red flags increased I realized that what I had wanted to do was indeed a very good thing, but it wasn't for me to do right now.  I don't like having to back down from anything.  Especially if it's my idea.  But in this case God made it very clear that if I continued pursuing my way, things would not go well.  I gave up my idea.  So since my last blog entry, things have not been fun.  I am still looking for at least a couple days of "fun" activity in a row.  But even though I wasn't having fun, I was getting closer to being the Jesus girl that He wants me to be.  It's hard sometimes to allow Him to be in charge.  To say that I will do thus and so--Lord willing.  People look at me like I'm from the dark ages or something, but you know what?  The more I do it, the easier it gets to say the words, and the easier it gets to live it.  It's also great to be able to know without a shadow of a doubt, that what I'm doing--He's "willing".

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